The presence of Firefox Mobile Live Each Day

The presence of Firefox Mobile Live Each Day
Mozilla Firefox lovers, now no longer have to wait long to enjoy their favorite browser in a mobile version. Latest news about this recently launched by the Mozilla some time ago. He said that the mobile version of Firefox will be launched next week, but still in the form of Release Candidate (RC).
Meanwhile, as quoted Caramelcoklat from yesterday, immediately following the final version at the end of the year. The plan's most popular browser after Internet Explorer is, will be available in several platforms. But the beginning of its launch, Firefox can only be enjoyed on handsets Nokia N900 is based on Maemo Linux operating system.
For the record, Firefox browser on N900 is not preloaded, so if you want to try a user must first download as desktop version. As for Windows Mobile and Google Android is still in development. It may be the presence of Firefox later, will take the mobile browser market share that had been dominated by Operamini.
(Illustration courtesy of